EIC Portfolio “Responsible Electronics”: Reducing Environmental Impact & Strengthening EU Technology Sovereignty
As a project funded by the European Innovation Council (EIC), SUPERLASER is part of the Pathfinder Challenges 2023 Portfolio “Responsible Electronics”. This programme addresses fundamental scientific and technological challenges linked to the drastic rise in the production of electronics components and devices, predicted for 2050, and the corresponding increased use of raw materials and electronic waste.
The projects in the "Responsible Electronics" portfolio aim to significantly reduce the environmental footprint of the electronics industry. By transitioning from conventional industrial manufacturing to innovative, eco-friendly methods and materials, these projects align with the goals of the EU Circular Economy Action Plan. They support research emphasizing effective waste management, carbon recycling, and the objectives of the European Chips Act.
Additionally, these projects will contribute to tackling Europe’s ongoing chips crisis by reducing the dependency on critical raw materials and traditional high energy demanding semiconductor processes. Moreover, investing in responsible electronics will be beneficial for the entire semiconductor ecosystem in Europe and will strengthen the EU technology sovereignty.
In total eight projects are funded under this challenge:
- SUPERLASER – Room Temperature Superradiant Perovskite Lasers
- STELEC - Sustainable Textile Electronics
- DESIRE4EU - DESIgning and REcycling sustainable Electronic boards for a EUropean circular economy
- GreenOMorph - Green materials for neurOMorphic signal processing by organic synaptic transistors
- RADIANT - Chiral Light Emitting Diodes based in Photonic Architectures
- HaloFreeEtch - Novel approaches for halogen-free and sustainable etching of Silicon and Glass
- HiSOPE - High-Speed Organic Photonics and OptoElecronics
- ELEGANCE - Green SELf-Powered NEuromorphic Processing EnGines with Integrated VisuAl and FuNCtional SEnsing
More information can be found here.